From Cyborg Anthropology
Revision as of 04:52, 14 January 2025 by Caseorganic (Talk | contribs)
New Territory
- Food Substitutes
- Hyperstition
- Data Flows and Crises in Online Reputation Economies
- The Fractal Production of Value
- The Automatic Production of Space
- Class Status and Instantaneity
- Physiological Effects of Computing
- Types of Reality
- Internet Addiction
- Instant Gratification
- The Backspace Generation
- Effects of Computing on Family and Family Life
- Gaming Addiction
- Insomnia
- Kids and Technology
- Teens on Social Networks
- Ethnography of Families and Technology
- Privacy and the Extended Self
- Netness
- Industrial Ecology
- Location Sharing
- Persistent Paleontology
- Mental and Emotional Effects of Computing
- Computing and Neurological Effects
- Revisiting Equipotential Space
- Animal Cyborgs