User Experience Reading List - Compiled by Christina Wasson
User Experience Reading List Compiled by Christina Wasson Last updated 15 April 2004 Source: [1]
[hide]Ethnographic Perspectives on Design
Bell, Genevieve. 2001. Looking across the Atlantic: using ethnographic methods to make sense of Europe. Intel Technology Journal Q3.
Bentley, R., J. A. Hughes, D. Randall, T. Rodden, P. Sawyer, D. Shapiro, and I. Sommerville. 1992. Ethnographically-informed systems design for air traffic control. In Proceedings of the conference on computer supported cooperative work. New York: ACM Press.
Blomberg, Jeanette, Jean Giacomi, Andrea Mosher, and Pat Swenton-Wall. 1993. Ethnographic field methods and their relation to design. In Participatory design: principles and practices, ed. Douglas Schuler and Aki Namioka. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Blomberg, Jeanette, Lucy Suchman and Randall H. Trigg. 1996. Reflections on a work-oriented design project. Human-Computer Interaction 11:237-265.
Blomberg, Jeanette, Lucy Suchman, and Randall Trigg. 1997. Back to work: renewing old agendas for cooperative design. In Computers and design in context, edited by M. Kyng and L. Mathiassen. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Brun-Cottan, Francoise, and Patricia Wall. 1995. Using video to re-present the user. Communications of the ACM 38 (5):61-71.
Button, Graham, ed. 1992. Technology in working order: studies of work, interaction, and technology. London: Routledge.
Buuer, Jacob, Thomas Binder and Eva Brandt. 2000. Taking video beyond hard data in user centred design. Presented at the Participatory Design Conference.
Crabtree, Andy. 2003. Designing collaborative systems: a practical guide to ethnography. London: Springer.
Engestrm, Yrj and Virginia Escalante. 1996. Mundane tool or object of affection? The rise and fall of the Postal Buddy. In Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction, ed. Bonnie A. Nardi. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Harel, D. and G. Prabhu. 1999. Designing for other cultures: a strategic approach. Design Management Journal 10(4):60-68.
Heath, Christian, and Paul Luff. 2000. Technology in action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hughes, John A., David Randall, and Dan Shapiro. 1992. Faltering from ethnography to design. In Proceedings of the conference on computer supported cooperative work. New York: ACM Press.
Hughes, John, Val King, Tom Rodden, and Hans Andersen. 1994. Moving out from the control room: ethnography in system design. In Proceedings of the conference on computer supported cooperative work. New York: ACM Press.
Jordan, Ann T. 2002. Design anthropology. In Business anthropology. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press, 75-83.
Jordan, Brigitte. 1997. Transforming ethnography reinventing research. CAM (Cultural Anthropology Methods) 9:3: 12-17.
Jordan, Brigitte. 1996. Ethnographic workplace studies and CSCW. In The design of computer supported cooperative work and groupware systems, ed. Dan Shapiro, Michael Tauber and Roland Traunmller. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 17-42.
Luff, Paul, Christian Heath, and David Greatbatch. 1992. Tasks-in-interaction: paper and screen based documentation in collaborative activity. In Proceedings of the conference on computer supported cooperative work. New York: ACM Press.
Luff, Paul, Jon Hindmarsh, and Christian Heath, eds. 2000. Workplace studies: recovering work practice and informing system design. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Masten, Davis L. and Tim M.P. Plowman. 2003. Digital ethnography: The next wave in understanding the consumer experience. Design Management Journal 14 (2):75-84.
Nardi, Bonnie. 1997. The use of ethnographic methods in design and evaluation. In Handbook of human-computer interaction II, ed. M.G. Helander, T. Landauer, and P. Prabhu. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 361-366.
Nardi, Bonnie and Yrj Engestrm, eds. 1999. Special issue. A web on the wind: the structure of invisible work. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 8(1-2).
Nardi, Bonnie and Vicki ODay. 1999. Information ecologies: using technology with heart. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Nardi, Bonnie and Steve Whittaker. 2002. The place of face to face communication in distributed work. In Distributed work, ed. Pamela Hinds & Sara Kiesler. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Nardi, Bonnie, Steve Whittaker and Heinrich Schwarz. 2002. NetWORKers and their activity in intensional networks. Journal of Computer-supported Cooperative Work 11 (1-2):
Roberts, Melody. 2002. Border crossing: the role of design research in international product development. LOOP: AIGA Journal of Interaction Design Education. 6 December.
Robinson, Rick E. 1994. Making sense of making sense: frameworks and organizational perception. Design Management Journal 5(1):8-15.
Robinson, Rick E. 1994. The origin of cool things. In Design that packs a wallop: understanding the power of strategic design. American Center for Design conference proceedings. Pp. 5-10. New York: American Center for Design.
Robinson, Rick E. and Jason Nims. 1996. Insight into what really matters. Innovation Summer:18-21.
Ruhleder, Karen. 2000. The virtual ethnographer: fieldwork in distributed electronic environments. Field Methods 12(1):3-17.
Ruhleder, Karen and Brigitte Jordan. 2001. Co-Constructing non-mutual realities: delay-generated trouble in distributed interaction. Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work 10:1:113-138.
Ruhleder, Karen and Brigitte Jordan. 2001. Managing complex, distributed environments: remote meeting technologies at the chaotic fringe. First Monday 6:5.
Salvador, Tony, Genevieve Bell and Ken Anderson. 1999. Design ethnography. Design Management Journal 10(4):35-41.
Shapiro, Dan. 1994. The limits of ethnography: combining social sciences for CSCW. In Proceedings of the conference on computer supported cooperative work. New York: ACM Press.
Simonsen, Jesper and Finn Kensing. 1997. Using ethnography in contextual design. Communications of the ACM 40(7):82-88.
Sperschneider, Werner and Kirsten Bagger. 2000. Ethnographic fieldwork under industrial constraints: towards design-in-context. Presented at NordiCHI.
Squires, Susan and Bryan Byrne, eds. 2002. Creating breakthrough ideas: the collaboration of anthropologists and designers in the product development industry. Westport: Bergin Garvey.
Suchman, Lucy. 1987. Plans and situated actions: the problem of human-machine communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Suchman, Lucy A., and Randall H. Trigg. 1991. Understanding practice: video as a medium for reflection and design. In Design at work: cooperative design of computer systems, edited by J. Greenbaum and M. Kyng. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Suchman, Lucy. 1995a. Making work visible. Communications of the ACM 38 (9):56-65.
Suchman, Lucy. 1995b. Special issue: Representations of work. Communications of the ACM 38 (9).
Tso, Judy. 1999. Do you dig up dinosaur bones? Anthropology, business, and design. Design Management Journal 10(4):69-74.
Wasson, Christina. 2000. Ethnography in the field of design. Human Organization 59 (4):377-388.
Wasson, Christina. 2002. Collaborative work: integrating the roles of ethnographers and designers. In Creating breakthrough ideas: the collaboration of anthropologists and designers in the product development industry, ed. Susan Squires and Bryan Byrne. Westport: Bergin Garvey.
Collections that Mix Ethnographic and Technical Perspectives
Kyng, Morten, and Lars Mathiassen, eds. 1997. Computers and design in context. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Shapiro, Dan, Michael Tauber and Roland Traunmller, eds. 1996. The design of computer supported cooperative work and groupware systems. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Activity Theory
Bdker, Susanne. 1991. Through the interface: a human activity approach to user interface design. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kuutti, Kari. 1996. Activity theory as a potential framework for human-computer interaction research. In Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction, ed. Bonnie A. Nardi. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Excerpt.
Nardi, Bonnie A., ed. 1996. Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Redmiles, David, ed. 2002. Special issue. Activity theory and the practice of design. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 11(1-2). or
Limitations of Cognitive Psychology
Bannon, Liam. 1991. From human factors to human actors: the role of psychology and human-computer interaction studies in system design. In Design at work: cooperative design of computer systems, edited by J. Greenbaum and M. Kyng. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bannon, Liam J. 2000. Situating workplace studies within the human-computer interaction field. In Workplace studies: recovering work practice and informing system design, edited by P. Luff, J. Hindmarsh and C. Heath. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Robinson, Rick E. 1993. What to do with a human factor: a manifesto of sorts. Special issue: new human factors. American Center for Design Journal 7(1):63-73.
Participatory Design
Greenbaum, Joan, and Morten Kyng, eds. 1991. Design at work: cooperative design of computer systems. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
Kuhn, Sarah, and Michael Muller. 1993. Special issue: participatory design. Communications of the ACM 36 (4).
Schuler, Douglas, and Aki Namioka, eds. 1993. Participatory design: principles and practices. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
Trigg, Randall H., and Susan Irwin Anderson. 1996. Special issue: current perspectives on participatory design. Human-Computer Interaction 11.
Websites of Relevance to Design Anthropology
Marietta L. Babas Home Page.
Brigitte Jordans Home Page.
Charlotte Linde's Home Page.
Bonnie Nardis Home Page.
Lucy Suchmans Home Page.
Dori Tunstall's Moblog: Intellectual explorations in design, decision-making, and governmentality.
Ann Galloway's Design Culture Bibliography.
Louise Ferguson's Resources on User Experience.
Practical Gatherings, providing services and support for the growing profession of workplace anthropology.
The Silicon Valley Cultures Project Website.
Work, Interaction and Technology Research Group, The Management Centre, Kings College London.
Worlds First Human Computer Interaction Rap.
Christina Wasson's Professional Web Page University of North Texas Department of Anthropology