Spam Poetry

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Spam Poetry, or Spoetry, is created from the randomness of comments, E-mails and other portals for unsolicited spam. Often these sentences and recombinant strains of text come together to create strangely harmonic patterns akin to bizarre surrealistic poetry.


Ham McCoy
  • He's a shill, a scientific egan who discomfits colorimeters.
  • With his pal Ham McCoy and their adjacent quietus
  • They inspire ding domes made up of glyceride chards.[1]

There is also a Spam Poetry Institute, an organization dedicated to collecting and preserving the fine literature created by the world’s spammers. "Not only do these persistent individuals sell useful products like cable filters and international drivers’ licenses, they also know how to combine words in a very powerful way".[2]


  1. Spam Poems: Making Poetry from Spam. Accessed Oct 2011.
  2. Spam Poetry Institute:Preserving the fine literature created by the world’s spammers Accessed 2010.