Augmented Reality
From Cyborg Anthropology
Colleges and University Programs
Georgia tech has an interest in collaborating with developers and providing code for next-gen projects. They welcome outside contact. Blair MacIntyre is the faculty member in charge. Contact.
Augmented Reality Discussion Questions
Web and AR
- How does Web content need to evolve with AR (e.g. extensions to current Web technologies like CSS to support AR)?
- How might Web browsers need to evolve to become AR platforms?
- Are the current and planned device APIs sufficient to enable the Web to be used as an AR platform?
- Can the 3D Web be an effective platform for AR?
- Is the infrastructure in place to support AR on the Web?
- What are the potential synergies between between AR and Virtual Reality?
- Is there sufficient royalty-free, interoperable data available to make AR on the Web a reality?
User interfaces
- 3D interaction and gestural interface and how these interfaces map onto the Metaphor of the Web.
- How far can we stretch advanced UI techniques (e.g. 3D navigation) for building more immersive applications?
- What opportunities are offered by advanced display and immersive projection technology?
- What opportunities are there for innovative interaction such as haptics, audio, and other non visual interfaces?
Mobile AR
- What are the existing and emerging mobile AR development environments and toolkits?
- Are mobile tracking & sensing sufficient for AR?
- How can mobile presence and cognition be exploited by AR?.
- What are the latest developments in mobile widgets and mashups for AR?
- Can AR play a role in media adaptation and content filtering?
Evaluation of AR
- What user studies and evaluation is relevant to AR?
- What are the existing standard datasets and benchmarks for AR? (if any).
- Where are the gaps in the datasets and benchmarks that need to be filled for AR to become more widely available?
- What does an AR Web site look like for the visually disabled and what extensions would be required to current Web Accessibility techniques?
- Is there a need for a common infrastructure for points of interest (such as common code/reference, a common database etc.)?
- What are the available languages for "augmenting" points of interest and what more may need to be standardized?
- What is the relationship between AR and linked data?