Second-Hand Cyborg

From Cyborg Anthropology
Revision as of 15:45, 27 June 2011 by Caseorganic (Talk | contribs)

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The term "second-hand cyborg" is a play on the idea of second hand smoke.

Eating food that is produced by large machines and complicated processes, in the end you get an apple, but a lot of technology went into the creation of that food. Even if one does not use any technology, they are still a second hand cyborg if they interact with technology through others, including getting news and information. Except for those completely remote and isolated from technology, most people on earth are, at the very least, second-hand cyborgs.

Two people who exchand they read something to you off of Google and then pass the information on to you, then you are a second hand cyborg. (((EDIT THIS))
