Deep Hanging Out

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Deep hanging out is the phenomenon that takes place when an anthropologist is immersed in a cultural experience where they are then able to observe what typically end up being the most poignant insights of their research.

The validity of deep hanging out as a practice is debated in the anthropology community...


Deep hanging out was coined as a term by Clifford Geertz in 1998, with his book Deep Hanging Out [1]

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Hanging out and hanging about Insider/outsider research in the sport of boxing Kath Woodward1 + Author Affiliations 1Open University, UK, Abstract

This article offers reflection on the relationship between the researcher and the field of research, within the sport of men's boxing, which is strongly characterized by polarized oppositions: between winning and losing, success and failure, women and men and, perhaps most importantly for the researcher, `insiders' and `outsiders'. It is this interrelationship between `insiders' and `outsiders' and the embodiment, not only of the practitioners of the sport but also the embodied presence of the researcher, which is used here to explore methodological questions about the research process and debates about how the researcher is situated in relation to the research site, by addressing questions about ontological complicity that are implicated in the distinction between `hanging out' and `hanging about' at the gym and as part of the culture of boxing.

Serial Hanging Out: Rapid Ethnographic Needs Assessment in Rural Settings Jaspal S. Sandhu, P. Altankhuyag and D. Amarsaikhan

Ethnography Essentials: Designing, Conducting, and Presenting Your Research By Julian Murchison


  1. Deep Hanging Out