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Abulia...the modern condition. Too much input.

Too much choice offers painful and increasingly frequent purchasing decisions with more precise and fractal vocabularies, to the point where purchases are communities and all speech becomes about a product or service. All terminology turns one into a citizen of that product.

And in Japan, there becomes an increasing number of 20 somethings with the inability to decide on a career - the inability to settle into stable self. The external self morphs, upgrades and changes so much that the internal self has no time to solidify.

Aboulia or Abulia (from the Greek "αβουλία", meaning "non-will"), in neurology, refers to a lack of will or initiative and is one of the Disorders of Diminished Motivation or DDM. Aboulia falls in the middle of the spectrum of diminished motivation, with apathy being less extreme and akinetic mutism being more extreme than aboulia.[1] A patient with aboulia is unable to act or make decisions independently. It may range in severity from subtle to overwhelming. It is also known as Blocq's disease (which also refers to abasia and astasia-abasia).[2] Abulia was originally considered to be a disorder of the will.


Akinetic mutism is a medical term describing patients who tend neither to speak (mutism) nor move (akinesia). It is the result of severe frontal lobe injury in which the pattern of inhibitory control is one of increasing passivity and gradually decreasing speech and motion.
