User contributions
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- 05:27, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+229) . . Fractal Aesthetic
- 05:15, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-647) . . Prosthetic culture (current)
- 05:13, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-94) . . Digital Self-Actualization (current)
- 05:12, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+31) . . Anomie (current)
- 05:11, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+119) . . On the Mortality of Industrial Society (current)
- 05:10, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+1,289) . . Anomie
- 05:06, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+1,368) . . On the Mortality of Industrial Society
- 04:56, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+28) . . Extended Mind (current)
- 04:56, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+1,052) . . Extended Mind
- 04:55, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+28) . . Mind Uploading (current)
- 04:55, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-1,046) . . Prosthetics and Their Discontents (current)
- 04:52, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+168) . . Prosthetics and Their Discontents
- 04:47, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Prosthetics and Their Discontents (moved Prosthetics and Discontent to Prosthetics and Their Discontents: Better title (still needs a better one). Good enough for now.)
- 04:47, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+47) . . N Prosthetics and Discontent (moved Prosthetics and Discontent to Prosthetics and Their Discontents: Better title (still needs a better one). Good enough for now.) (current)
- 04:46, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+5,181) . . N Prosthetics and Their Discontents (Created page with "A prosthetic can be classified as any external manufactured object that can be purchased or acquired. A human will use millions of prosthetics in a lifetime. Electronic devices a...")
- 04:25, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+9) . . Consciousness Slum
- 04:25, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+924) . . N Prosthetic Evolution (Created page with "===History=== As cavemen, we began skipping evolution by crafting spears instead of growing teeth. We began making hammers as extensions of our fists. We were able to externalize...") (current)
- 04:23, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . The Information Society as Post-Industrial Society
- 04:23, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+2,695) . . The Information Society as Post-Industrial Society
- 04:11, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-135) . . Yoneji Masuda (current)
- 04:08, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+1,743) . . Playground as Factory (current)
- 03:54, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+851) . . N Over-Proximity of All Things (Created page with "===Definition=== Ours is a new form of schizophrenia, says Baudrillard. The emergence of an immanent promiscuity and the perpetual interconnection of all information and communic...") (current)
- 03:52, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+484) . . Extended Mind
- 03:51, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-632) . . Extended Mind
- 03:51, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+735) . . Nm Interface Evaporation (Created page with "{{stub}} ===Definition=== Pieces of analog technology that use to serve us in these ways have suddenly merged into one liquid device. The ability for mobile devices to contain mu...") (current)
- 03:46, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+493) . . Calm Computing
- 03:46, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Quantified self (current)
- 03:45, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+28) . . Ubiquitous Computing (current)
- 03:40, 15 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+3,455) . . Nm Extended Mind (Created page with "===History=== The concept of the extended mind was first raised in 1998, right around the time Google was born, by two philosophers named Andy Clark and David Chalmers. In 1998, ...")
- 19:24, 14 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+440) . . N Temporary Autonomous Zone (Created page with "{{stub}} ===Definition=== Temporary Autonomous Zone is a book by anarchist writer Hakim Bey published in 1991 by Autonomedia, one of the main North American publishers of radical...") (current)
- 21:03, 10 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+35) . . DIY Bio Movement (current)
- 20:38, 10 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+133) . . N DIY Bio Movement (Created page with "{{stub}} A movement, starting ___ focused on DIY biology. Category:Book Pages Category:Unfinished Category:Illustrated")
- 05:38, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+165) . . Bug Report (current)
- 05:36, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . N File:First-computer-bug.jpg (current)
- 05:34, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-28) . . Bug Report
- 05:33, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+57) . . Quantified self
- 05:33, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+85) . . Quantified self
- 05:32, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+28) . . Quantified self
- 05:31, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+45) . . Anonymous
- 05:30, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+1,717) . . N Digital Junk Food (Created page with "===Definition=== Digital junk food describes information that is waste of time that's not useful to everyday life. Not only is the intonation designed to make you want more of it...")
- 05:27, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+128) . . Frictional Interface (current)
- 05:25, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-1,271) . . Ambient Awareness (current)
- 05:23, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+294) . . Impossible Feast (current)
- 05:21, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Impossible Feast (moved Glossary:Impossible Feast to Impossible Feast)
- 05:21, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+30) . . N Glossary:Impossible Feast (moved Glossary:Impossible Feast to Impossible Feast) (current)
- 05:20, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+6) . . Cryptocurrency (current)
- 05:20, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Cryptocurrency
- 05:19, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Cryptocurrency (moved Alternative Currency to Cryptocurrency)
- 05:19, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+28) . . N Alternative Currency (moved Alternative Currency to Cryptocurrency) (current)
- 05:19, 8 August 2012 (diff | hist) . . (+28) . . Virtual Tombstone
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