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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
02:45, 17 June 2010 Sabon.jpg (file) 9 KB Caseorganic   1
02:45, 17 June 2010 Garamond.jpg (file) 9 KB Caseorganic   1
02:45, 17 June 2010 Minion.jpg (file) 9 KB Caseorganic   1
02:40, 17 June 2010 Calson.jpg (file) 9 KB Caseorganic   1
04:45, 5 June 2010 Alan-kay.jpg (file) 39 KB Caseorganic Alan Kay is best known for the ideas of personal computing, the intimate laptop computer, and the inventions of the now ubiquitous overlapping-window interface and modern object-oriented programming. His deep interests in children and education were the c 1
04:20, 5 June 2010 Ivan-sutherland.jpg (file) 98 KB Caseorganic Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad console, 1962. Sketchpad is operated with a light pen and a command button box (under left hand). The four black knobs below the screen control position and scale of the picture. 1
18:20, 26 May 2010 Mary-Flanagan.jpg (file) 40 KB Caseorganic Mary Flanagan 1
20:21, 16 May 2010 Kelly-Dobson-Blender.jpg (file) 19 KB Caseorganic Instead of teaching machines to understand humans, MIT’s Kelly Dobson programmed a blender to understand voice activation, but not the typical voice one uses. Instead of saying “Blender, ON!”, she’s made an auditory model of a machine voice. 1
21:27, 15 May 2010 Steve-Mann-Wearcam.jpg (file) 201 KB Caseorganic   2
19:33, 15 May 2010 Head-Mounted-Computer.jpg (file) 31 KB Caseorganic Second Generation Kopin Golden-i Motorola-branded Head-mounted Computer system 1
18:22, 15 May 2010 Sally-Applin.jpg (file) 48 KB Caseorganic Sally Applin of 1
17:44, 15 May 2010 Amanda-Baggs.jpg (file) 11 KB Caseorganic Amanda Baggs (born 1980 in California) is an autism rights activist. In January 2007 she published a video on YouTube describing her experience as an autistic person entitled In My Language which became the subject of several articles on CNN. 1
17:43, 15 May 2010 Amanda-Baggs-Second-Life.jpg (file) 28 KB Caseorganic Amanda Baggs in Second Life 1
18:41, 14 May 2010 Jim-suruda-wearable-computer.jpg (file) 73 KB Caseorganic Jim Suruda with IBM wearable computer prototype 1
18:28, 14 May 2010 Scrivener.jpg (file) 31 KB Caseorganic Scrivener is a word processor and project management tool created specifically for writers of long texts such as novels and research papers. It won't try to tell you how to write - it just makes all the tools you have scattered around your desk available 1
17:55, 14 May 2010 Pubsubhubub.jpg (file) 13 KB Caseorganic A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as an extension to Atom and RSS. 1
17:41, 14 May 2010 Twiddler2.jpg (file) 41 KB Caseorganic HandyKey - Twiddler2 - one handed chording USB keyboard 1
17:06, 14 May 2010 Donna-Haraway.jpg (file) 109 KB Caseorganic Donna J. Haraway (born September 6, 1944 in Denver, Colorado) is currently a professor and chair of the History of Consciousness Program at the University of California, Santa Cruz, United States. She is the author of Crystals, Fabrics, and Fields: Metaph 1
16:54, 14 May 2010 Thad-Starner.jpg (file) 38 KB Caseorganic Thad Starner is founder and director of the Contextual Computing Group at Georgia Institute of Technology's College of Computing. Before joining the Georgia Tech faculty in 1999, Starner gained international recognition as a leader in the field of wearabl 1
16:42, 14 May 2010 Steve-Mann.jpg (file) 33 KB Caseorganic Mann holds degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD in Media Arts and Sciences '97) and McMaster University, where he was also inducted into the McMaster University Alumni Hall of Fame, Alumni Gallery, 2004, in recognition of his career 1
08:45, 14 May 2010 Danah-boyd.jpg (file) 32 KB Caseorganic Social Media Researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. She recently completed my PhD at the School of Information (iSchool) at the University of California (Berkeley). Her re 1
08:39, 14 May 2010 Deborah-Heath.jpg (file) 32 KB Caseorganic Participated in midwifing cyborg anthropology. Attended the Cyborg Anthropology seminar in Santa Fe, NM that led to the book Cyborgs & Citadels. For several years followed the human and nonhuman alliances involved in genetic knowledge production [cf: Ge 1
08:30, 14 May 2010 Sheldon-Renan.jpg (file) 51 KB Caseorganic Mr. Renan graduated from Yale University. A Rockefeller Grant enabled him to write the first history of experimental media. He founded the Pacific Film Archive at the University of California, Berkeley, and has lectured on media at museums, colleges and c 1
08:08, 14 May 2010 Sadie-Plant.jpg (file) 25 KB Caseorganic Sadie Plant is Director of the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit at University of Warwick/UK. 1
08:02, 14 May 2010 Sherry-Turkle.jpg (file) 21 KB Caseorganic Sherry Turkle is Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT and the founder (2001) and current director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self, a center 1
07:30, 14 May 2010 Charlotte-Magnusson.jpg (file) 21 KB Caseorganic Charlotte Magnusson, PhD, associate professor (docent), is the leader of the research at Certec on the design of useworthy haptic and audio interfaces for people who are blind or have low vision. She has over 10 years of experience in the field. Charlotte 1
02:44, 11 May 2010 Donna-haraway.jpg (file) 39 KB Caseorganic Donna Haraway 1

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