An Illustrated Dictionary of Cyborg Anthropology

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An Illustrated Dictionary of Cyborg Anthropology Paperback – January 8, 2014 by Amber Case (Author), Maggie Wauklyn (Illustrator), Douglas Rushkoff (Introduction)


What does it mean to have an online persona? How is technology changing the way we work, live and play? How do our tools influence the way we interact with the world? Technology is intertwined with almost every aspect of our lives. Our cell phones, cars and laptops have turned us into cyborgs. Cyborg Anthropology is a way of exploring how we live as a connected species. This book explores topics such as junk sleep, hyperlinked memories, panic architecture, the quantified self, and how humans are changing through the use of technology. This book is an appetizer for an emerging field of study, an inspirational starting point for designers, developers, researchers, students, and anyone who wishes to explore the symbiotic relationship between technology and culture.

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