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Ping Pong Playing Android.


An android is an artificial machine with specifically human features. "Automaton resembling a human being," 1727, from Mod.L. androides, from Gk. andro- "human" (see andro-) + eides "form, shape." Listed as "rare" in OED 1st edition (1879), popularized from c.1951 by science fiction writers".[1]

Androids in Contemporary Cyborg Cinema

"Both Star Trek’s Data and Blade Runner’s replicates have been interpreted as minority figures whose attempts to ‘pass’ as human can be affiliated with concerns of nationalism, race and the idea of purity". [2]

"Schelde’s Androids, Humanoids and Other Science Fiction Monsters (1993) adopts the intriguing method of viewing SF films as a modern version of folklore, with technology substituted for magic and Capitalist corporations serving as the giants that must be fought".[3]


  2. Short, Sue. Cyborg Cinema and Contemporary Subjectivity. Faculty of Continuing Education Birkbeck College, University of London, UK PALGRAVE MACMILLAN 2005.
  3. Ibid, 26